The Mayhem Poets Trip
"Let's go see a poetry show." That is a sentence rarely proclaimed by students, and usually responded to with cringes and excuses. The Mayhem Poets are on a mission to change that. Having been dubbed "an amazing ride" by the New York Times, this mind-boggling performance has been described as "The Simpsons meets Malcolm X at a Notorious B.I.G. concert". These theatre-trained, comedically-gifted, lyrical virtuosos seamlessly blend the raw elements of hip hop, theatre, improv, and stand-up comedy to tell gut-wrenching truths that leave audiences forever changed.
Slam Poetry is a form of performance poetry that combines the elements of writing, performance, audience participation, and sometimes competition. The result is a high energy event where everyone has the opportunity of participate in various ways. Slam Poetry events are a yearly part of the enrichment curriculum at Hunterdon Prep because of the wide benefits of expressive arts opportunities to our students.