Todd Fenwick
- a HAM radio operator
- loves internet memes
- raises Seeing Eye puppies for the blind
Todd is known to many students as "MRF" which is short for Mr. Fenwick. He can be found in the west wing primarily working with senior students to prepare them for life after high school. Todd also works with underclassmen to explore career interests. Each year he leads juniors and seniors on college tours and visits to technical programs, giving them an opportunity to explore a variety of post high school education options.
We enjoyed a busy December last month with a variety of specially planned activities in...
We have raised $726.59 for the North Carolina Disaster Relief Fund!!! We would like ...
The HPS Art Club meets every Tuesday after school from 2:30-4:30 pm. It is a time for s...
Last week, we took advantage of this beautiful fall weather to take a late season kayak...
Every September we kick off the new school year with a picnic that includes a barbeque ...
The fifth and final special interest week of our summer program was Art Week led by our...
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